Owens Publications is a ministry of the Twin Rivers Baptist Church. Our host church is strong, vibrant, old-time religion, and growing. In the last many months, we have released a couple of new books. The first was “The Roller Coaster of Grief”, and was released in 2021. It is a book that helps one to deal with the death of a loved one. It is a simple, easy-to-read book that is being purchased by many for themselves, and most often, as gift to hurting families. Pastors are utilizing this book as a gift and help to church families who suffer loss. The book “God’s Perspective on Man’s Emotions” is another new release through our ministry. It is being received at a more positive and faster rate than we could have possibly imagined. It is 330 pages long and is virtually packed full of helps for our emotions. Our culture, including our churches, seem to be highly emotional, and in many cases out of control. This book scripturally addresses this matter. We are currently working on another new book on the subject of dealing with Cancer in a Biblical way. Watch for it to be soon released. We should also mention how quickly our on-line Bible college is developing and growing. It is called Practical Bible Baptist College. You can get some Bible college training at home, the office, or on the run! Anytime - day or night - you can increase your knowledge through this college. We have been live streaming our services on YouTube and Facebook for some time now. Pray for us as our ministry marches on!
The Owens Publications Ministry is growing at a wonderful rate and it continues to help people and glorify our wonderful God. Our Facebook (www.facebook.com/owenspublications) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/DrJeffOwens1) accounts are a blessing to us and many others. We also are utilizing eBay and are pleased with its’ success. We have many new products that have been made available. We now have the following titles available in MP3 series: Relationships; Destructive Behavior; How to Grow; and our newest and extremely exciting series, Biblical Separation. We are currently teaching a series on Wednesday nights called, “Spiritual Financial Guidelines” which will be made available on the Owens Publications website in the near future.
We are grateful for the wonderful people at the Twin Rivers Baptist Church who help to make this ministry possible. We are pleased to add a dear family friend and member of TRBC to the Owens Publications staff. Mrs. Amber Owens has been a great encouragement to us all.
We are currently working toward making our MP3 albums available for download off of our site rather than one being required to order the physical hard copy. This method will work easily to help those wishing to download an entire series directly to their iPads, cell phones and other compatible devices. Of course, the hardcopies will still be available to those who would like them. Pray for us as this process is underway.
Dear Friends,
We hope this update finds our many friends doing well. The Owens family are all doing unbelievably well. We are loving the Lord and serving Him to the best of our ability. Personal soul-winning has always been important to us and we continue this ministry for the Lord. The grandchildren and children are delightful and are just the light of our lives. Mrs. Owens and I enjoy an occasional bike ride together (I'm faster than her) and we love each other more than ever. She continues to love quilting and spending time playing her piano. I enjoy preaching and cheeseburgers!
At the end of the year 2016 I preached my 37,000th sermon as a gospel preacher. I still believe the King James Bible is the inspired, preserved, inerrant Word of God. We continue on the Old Paths. If you've known me through the years I want to assure you we have not changed our standards, doctrines or belief in the Old Time Ways one little bit. I am grateful to God because He has revolutionized my personal prayer life and I'm enjoying God more than ever.
The spring is upon us and this is an exciting time of the year! Spring is a time of fresh growth. Growth is definitely the atmosphere here at the Twin Rivers Baptist Church of New Bern, North Carolina.
It's hard to believe that we started here a little over three years ago. God grew us out of our first meeting place which was the approximate size of a double wide mobile home. He did this within the first 18 months of our start. He then provided us a new facility with 16,500 square foot state-of-the-art space. We moved into our new facility approximately 14 months ago. Our new building then doubled our auditorium size and multiplied our Sunday school classrooms many times over. Within 6 months of this new auditorium we had outgrown it. In November 2016 we very excitingly and humbly moved into our new approximately 250 seat auditorium. We are seeing people saved by the hundreds. God is allowing us to start new ministries within our church to serve people on a regular basis. You can visit our church's website twinriversbaptistchurch.com and listen to my TRBC weekly sermons for free. That is if you would like to hear some good old-fashioned, sin-hating, God and people loving preaching.
The Owens Publications Ministry continues to serve people to the best of its ability. We have a few new products that God has allowed to be developed. We have a preaching CD album entitled "Dr. Jeff Owens Preaching His Classic Sermons." We also have a new MP3 entitled "How to Grow." Mrs. Owens has a powerful new teaching album that's called "How to Bounce Back." All of these are available at this very moment. There are two other MP3 albums that are being prepared, one entitled, "Helping People," and the other "Relationships." Both will be available very soon.
We hope this day finds you well. We desire your prayers! If we can serve any of you in any way we would love to do so. Drop us an email from time to time and let us know how you're doing.
Pastor and Mrs. Jeff Owens
Dear Friends,
We can hardly believe that the fall season is already upon us. It has been over a year ago that our ministry relocated us to New Bern, North Carolina. We are pleased to say that I am the Pastor of the Twin Rivers Baptist Church. You can take a closer look at this new ministry by going to twinriversbaptistchurch.com. God is blessing and we are seeing people saved and lives changed on a weekly basis.
We continue to travel and help pastors and churches throughout the country. We certainly enjoy serving people and using the training and experience God is given us to help others. We are humbled at this opportunity and privilege.
We are thankful to God that I experience good health. Mrs. Owens is doing well also. Her health has improved remarkably. She spends a lot of time playing her piano and still gets a real thrill from her quilting. One of her ultimate hobbies is loving on her grandchildren. She accompanies me on most all of my preaching meetings and we enjoy our ministry together very much.
We are pleased to announce that the availability of listening to my sermons FREE through Owenspublications.com is now available once again. There are nearly 1,000 sermons posted for your listening enjoyment and spiritual challenge. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity.
We are also excited to announce that we have a brand-new product. It is an MP3 album which includes 21 full-length sermons. It's title is "God's Healthcare Program". It was preached from the pulpit of my new church, the Twin Rivers Baptist Church. You will find all the sermons very down to earth and practical. There is much teaching about the Christian and their health, which in our opinion meets one of the greatest needs of our day. We know of nothing else like it available anywhere. This new product is available just in time for Christmas and the New Year.
We hope this day finds you well. We covet your prayers! Let's all just keep serving Him and glorifying Him in all that we do.
Pastor & Mrs. Owens
What a wonderful end to summer and a beautiful start to fall we have had! Mrs. Owens and I have traveled to many wonderful churches. It has been my privilege to preach in some great Revivals, School Chapels, Conferences, Camps and church services. Last week while out Soul winning God allowed me the privilege to lead 9 people to Christ. What a delight when 6 of them showed up for the church service!
This summer we hosted some fun birthday parties with our grandchildren. We also enjoyed a delightful family vacation with our children and GRAND-kids. What a joy they are to our hearts!
Mrs. Owens has had several good months with her health, other than some poison ivy from working in the yard! But the yard sure looks good!!!!
We are excited about the recent release of our newest books TEACHING SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS TO TEACH and A WOUNDED SPIRIT. I am grateful to my dear friend Dr. Wendell Evans for writing the recommendation for A WOUNDED SPIRIT.
We are pleased at the launching of our "New and Improved" web site! We hope you will find it user friendly and that it will serve you well. Feel free to spread the word.
We hope to see our friends as we travel the country this fall.
Bro. and Mrs. Owens